  • Antique Windsor childs’ chairs
  • Antique Windsor childs’ chairs
  • Antique Windsor childs’ chairs
  • Antique Windsor childs’ chairs
  • Antique Windsor childs’ chairs
Antique Windsor childs’ chairs

Price 400€ each €

Engeland ca. 1850 in beech & Elm wood. Size 60 x 40 x 25cm wide.

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Kanaal noord 1131 ,
3960 Bree
Region: Hamont Achel
Country: Belgium
Tel.: +32 (0)475 388 501
E-mail: info@ornamenta.be
Website: www.ornamenta.be
In white Jade tiny dragon stamps

In white Jade tiny dragon stamps

Made in China ca 1900-1920 White tiny dragon stamps in Jade 0-20 cm h x 0.6 cm dia
Natural stone elephant

Natural stone elephant

0.60 x 0.20 x 0.30h Stone elephant Limestone carved by nature and its elements.
In pale green Marble visages

In pale green Marble visages

Green Marble face China: New made 0.27 cm dia—0.35h Set of 2/p
Black stone face

Black stone face

Set of 3 black stone faces Ashanti style nodern
Marble face

Marble face

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Bi-Disk double happiness

Bi-Disk double happiness

Jade disk on a stand 0.30 cm 0.25 cm jade - gold
Cast iron pedestal ornaments

Cast iron pedestal ornaments

Set of 2 iron ornament Ca 1915 France 0.45 x 0.85h